Tuesday, July 22, 2008

All Aboard the Bandwagon!!

I say..if you are gonna jump on the bandwagon…it’s definitely better late than never! I’m officially fully saddled for the “Twilight” series bandwagon ride. I can tell you, I’m even more impressed than I expected. I absolutely love it! I started the first book last night and I’m about halfway through. I CAN’T PUT IT DOWN!! I read last night while riding my bike, I read in bed and NEVER fell asleep, AND I read while blindly feeding myself green beans at lunch today! Will this day ever end so I can read more? I need me some more Edward Cullen!!


Janine said...

Nice. I have the book...it's on my ever growing list of books I need to read! I think it's second on the list, though...so I should get to it soon! How exciting...I have heard a lot of good things about it!