Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Brand Spanking New Witness!

Wow! Is today Friday? Haha…don’t I say that every day? Well, being another fun “Witness Wednesday”, we gathered around the lunch table for discussions about meth addicts, and alcoholics. It makes sense to have a staff meeting about drugs, right? Oh! We did get our standard 5 minutes of office related subjects addressed. I’ll admit the meeting wasn’t too bad today. Wow, that’s two weeks in a row that I’ve said that. First of all, great day because we ordered Mexican food!!!! Our last bookkeeper didn’t like Mexican food…..WHAT??? Crazy, I know! Anyway, so we never ordered it. We always ordered just your typical “American” style food. BUT, we have a new bookkeeper (as I mentioned before) and a new legal assistant, who started Monday and she’s been absolutely fabulous! Both are quick learners and very pleasant! Ok, enough of my boring meeting crap......

AND on to another “Witness Wednesday”

Something I’ve witnessed in the past: Winning first place in a writing contest in High School. I was even featured in the Laramie Boomerang.....I can just see everyone’s jealous faces!

Something I’ve witnessed today: Walking past the men’s room and being assaulted by the most awful smell EVER!!! Don’t do that at work, people!!!!

Something I want to witness in the future: Being debt free....hey I’m allowed to dream, aren’t I?


Janine said...

Man,now I'm craving tacos.

Sharon said...

Jay was standing here when I opened your blog and started saying, "wunch, wunch". Yep, it's just about lunch time here. :-)