Monday, July 26, 2010

Saturday...I'm in love!

Saturday is a special's the day, I get to spend ALL day with Tyler.

Does anyone else get the feeling that I'm slightly obsessed with this kid? WELL guess what? It's true!

My Saturday

8am - I awaken and realize that Tyler is sleeping side-ways and his leg is draped over my waist. (he doesn't stay in one place when he sleeps...he's all over the place!)

9am - Tyler's breakfast request - eggs, no toast. I scramble up 3 eggs - he devours them. Is he done? NO, that skinny kid wants more, so I make him 3 more (as a compromise, he wanted 5) He's like Gaston (Beauty and the Beast) he ate those too!

10am - He helps me water my rock garden and my tomatoes. I got a little wetter than I usually get while watering...hmmm

11am- I showered and he played Wii with Janine. I think I heard a few "Janine? Why did you do that?" hahah

1pm - After playing a game with Kim, we headed out on our "adventure bike ride" THAT kid...his imagination is awesome! We rode around campus, chasing goblins, hunting for magical stones, deciphering our languages (we each had our own that we understood), finding the King of Jawaree, crossing rivers of hot lava, avoiding the flaming arrows of the hooded orcs, and spying on the enemies. Whew! We even avoided capture...except Janine. She got captured and this is SOOO funny. She had her hands up as if she were tied and she said "help...they are dragging me away" and Tyler looks over at her and says "you're not even moving, Janine!" He looks at me and says with one eye cocked and his dimple showing, "well she isn't!"

After a 3 hour bike ride across the entire UW Campus, we made it back to my house, completely parched...... we rehydrated ourselves inside...and Tyler hydrated himself on the outside as well.

Oh Saturdays...I love ya! Come back soon!