Tuesday, July 20, 2010

My new hero...Tony Horton

If you haven't heard of Tony Horton....WAKE UP!!! He's only the amazing guy behind P90X! What a fun fun fun set of workouts. The strength I'm gaining and the flexibility...it's almost unreal. OH and Joe has totally grown on me, the pirate guy is hilarious, and Dreya Webber...makes me nuts! Enough of that though, let's talk about why Tony Horton is my new hero....

Tony Horton is my hero because I can do pushups now! Woohoo!

Tony Horton is my hero becuase "I love love love it till my daddy takes the t-bird away"

Tony Horton is my hero because at one point he needs to "adjust my shirt" sometimes..just like me. hehe

Tony Horton is my hero because he has taught me to "BRING IT"

Tony Horton is my hero because he too knows to make things "cushier"

Tony Horton is my hero because I'm a pro at downward dog and upward dog

Tony Horton is my hero because even he has to push his own personal pause button sometimes

Tony Horton is my hero because my arms look GREAT.

Tony Horton is my hero because it kills me everytime when he says "I think I split my pants"

Tony and P90X....is just awesome! I highly recommend it to anyone and everyone!

*Tony's one down fall..... the shameless promotion of the P90X recovery drink at the end of every workout.


Janine said...

Haha...Amen to all of the above. Tony is a lot like AB Ripper X...I hate him...but I LOVE him.