Tuesday, September 8, 2009

It's Electric!!!!!!!

~Feel the power, you see the energy....Comin up.....Coming on strong~

Remember that song? I sure do......brings back fond memories of throwing in my Debbie Gibson cassette tape, slapping on my coolest jean jacket, and dancing around the living room.....all while pretending I was a famous pop star...performing on recess for my peers.....and YES...recess at Slade Elementary!!!

Enough of my awesome and creative imagination -

Electric Fires - electric feeds (electrical appliances) are used more and more in our daily lives. Like other fires, the root cause of an electric fire is the introduction of heat, oxygen, and fuel. In electrical fires, the heat is released as electricity is dissipated through a resistive element, while the fuel may come from the surroundings or from the material that makes up the appliance.

And you thought I wasn't smart.............shame on you!

This morning as I'm drying my hair with my trusty conair hair dryer... *POP* *KABANG* *SNAP*, a huge flame (honestly the size of a football) flashes in front of me..well....right in front of my bare legs and bare feet...YEEE-OUCH! I screamed and jumped back, fearing my life was over and the house was gonna blow. haha. That quick my near death experience was over as I realize my hair dryer is off...I look down to see the cord is innocently dangling, no longer plugged in...well plugged into the wall! EXPLANATION: my hair dryer was plugged into an extension cord and the extension cord was plugged into the outlet. Apparently the extension cord was purchased when the house was built ...in the 70's because that dear brown cord that saw me through many many hair days - both bad and good....committed suicide this morning. By "committed suicide", I mean it literally fried to death...and then ...quickly decapitated itself before my very eyes.

So, I lived and my trust hair dryer lived. I simply removed the middle man (the extension cord) and went back to drying my hair. I even made it to work on time.

My advice: If you ever feel like your extension cord is "wow fairly hot" somedays.....don't just ignore it.....REPLACE IT!!!! It's trying to tell you, "I want to go to extension cord heaven and if I don't get to go soon, I'm gonna blow your house up....or scare you to death."


Janine said...

Um...because I'm totally stupid, I was reading this post, so excited for the picture of the fireball at the end. Um...pretty sure you didn't get a picture of it. I'm not the smartest, okay?

Glad you lived and that your hair didn't get burned off. That would have been my first fear! =)