Tuesday, May 5, 2009

The grass is always greener on the other side...

The grass certainly is greener on the other side....the other side where you have already power raked, thatched, AND fertilized...sheesh!

Back, I'd say the first part of April, my dad did all the "good" stuff to the one side of the lawn and then the next weekend it snowed and the next weekend it was freezing and the next weekend...sheesh..it was terrible. FINALLY, I helped him this last weekend and we got the other side done. You can definitely see the difference! The funniest part about the whole thing, both sides were green looking until we started ....and we basically took off the top layer of "green" grass, revealing the dead, brown and yellow grass. After raking and raking, (I'm a wimp...my arm was killing me), we finally made some headway. My dad gathered up the piles and I ran over the lawn with the mower to suck up any last remaining blades of dead grass. It's now fertilized and we've been throwing the water on heavy. I'll keep you updated on the greening of the "bad side".

It was funny though..I was texting a friend and he asked what I was doing and I told him laundry and then maybe 30 minutes later he asked how the laundry was coming and I told him I was now dicing and cooking chicken. Well not 15 minutes later he asked how the chicken was coming and I said "ohh now I'm raking the lawn" Haha..I felt like the girl of many trades.....er...maybe I'm wonderwoman!


Janine said...

That is so funny about the grass. You guys should be in a lawn care commercial. Especially if you're in that Wonder Woman costume.

Rachael said...

Ha ha ha!! Love the Wonder Woman picture!