Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Turn up your radio...

Ever hear a song come on the radio or whatever and it instantly triggers a memory of some sort?

I learned today…that the part of the brain known as the medial pre-frontal cortex which sits just behind the forehead…..well it’s constantly acting like the host of your “Memory Lane” show. So next time you hear a song and that memory of your first kiss, or that slumber party with your friends, or maybe that long road trip as a kid pop in your head….it’s that lovely pre-frontal cortex. Good ol’ pre-frontal cortex!

I could name so many songs and the memory within each song, but so as not to lose your attention…here are 3 songs from my childhood that recall a memory…EVERY SINGLE TIME!

Song # 1 “99 Red Balloons” by Nena

Memory -- I remember my brother and I would dance around. Well I was dancing, (concentrating on my naturally awesome moves) I don’t know what he was doing. Near the end of the song, we would both run to the couch, sit down, and in unison our arms would raise slowly up from our sides. It was our BIG finale, apparently! So now every time I hear that song, the memory of the “couch finale” is without fail….right there in my mind’s eye.

Song # 2 “Jump” by Van Halen

Memory -- I remember thinking my brother was the ultimate cool kid. I wanted to do anything and everything he did. So naturally when he would throw in the old 45 of “Jump” and play air guitar, I was right there! Except being the natural genius that I am, I incorporated using glitter batons as guitars. I want to say even Ryan thought it was cool and joined in the baton use. We would run around playing guitar - jumping from the couches and sliding on our knees. Oh the awesome slide on your knees while playing guitar! So yes, every time I hear that song, the memory of “air guitars” is without fail…right there in my mind’s eye.

Song # 3 “Walk like an Egyptian” by The Bangles

Memory -- This song was totally the “it” song! I honestly didn’t know a cooler song….EVER! My girlfriends and I would pretend that we WERE The Bangles. We had a tamborine, a whistler, and our “baton” guitars and jean jackets!! My dear sweet friends were kind enough to let me be Susanna Hoffs, the lead singer. Haha. Or maybe I was bossy and they were afraid of me. Haha… I’m not bossy! Who, in that day and age, didn’t think it was cool to “walk like an Egyptian”? You know you did! So yes, everytime I hear that song, the memory of “Egyptian dancing and my girlfriends” is without fail…right there in my mind’s eye.

Now get out there...turn up those radios and enjoy memory lane!


Janine said...

This cracked me up...and I love the picture! I have a couple of songs/memories that are running through my head now!

MetroParks said...

Your love is better then ice cream. Its better then anything else in this world. Can you say Felton? :)