Thursday, August 20, 2009

Mr. Vitamin C to the rescue...

Monday evening, I had the totally awesome privilege of moving my dusty tv from it's stand in an attempt to retrieve my expensive ring which had rolled across the top of the entertainment center and *boink* landed right where I couldn't reach it. Ok, I'm was no privilege at all!!

After standing on a chair - FAIL
After cursing backwards and forwards--- hahaha - FAIL
After moving several dvds to reach back on the side - FAIL

AND FINALLY having to move the entire tv from it's resting place - SUCCESS!!! I got the ring!!

Ok, so the tv is back and the dvds are back, everything is clean and pretty and I've got my ring, but I realize I've kinda got a scratchy throat. Hmm...did I breathe in too much dust? OUCH! Who knows? Long story short, this girl caught a wretched cold!!! What the crap? I lasted over a year surrounded by people with nasty colds and when my summer is winding down...I catch a dang cold!?!?!?!

BUT never you fear, Mr. Vitamin C is here to rescue me.....hopefully! (hurry cross your fingers, mine are!)


Sharon said...

YAY to getting your ring back. Boo to getting a cold. Summer colds are the worst!!