Friday, June 12, 2009

Stinkin' Rain!

So, it’s been raining a lot here in Wyoming, because apparently if you only have only 3 months of warm weather…… why not spoil it with rain…EVERY DAY!!! Seriously, please stop already! Don’t get me wrong, I love the green everywhere and the flowers…it’s beautiful…for that 5 minutes when it doesn’t rain! For those of you that didn’t know…that “sunny moment”..yeah..that’s usually when I’m sitting at my desk..looking out the window. unfair!!

BUT as always when the weather man calls for rain, I’m prepared. I don’t leave my house without my cute polka dot umbrella, BUT I rarely use it as the process of getting out an umbrella - trying to open it while you are half in your car and half out, hoping that small moment of “non coverage”, you don’t end up as wet as a drowned rat! OH then it’s not all peaches and cream from there, then you have to maneuver it in whatever door you are entering AND THEN…try to close it without splattering the 8 buckets of water that collected in that 3 second walk. So seriously…sometimes I just brave it and fight the rain! OH and by that I mean…I take off in a mad dash to my destination. AND that sucks too because hey I’m not some track star…NO! I’m sure I don’t look as stupid as I feel, but I totally feel like a bright flashing neon sign turns on announcing “hey look at the stupid girl running!”

Stinkin’ rain!

So anyway…luck was actually on my side the other day.

WHILE EATING LUNCH………… no end in sight!!!! In fact I think it’s gonna flood!

AFTER I FINISH LUNCH…………(5 minutes later) ahhh….the wet pavement and sunny skies! No struggling with the umbrella or running! Yay!!