Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Ding Dong, Anyone?

My claim to fame is simple…I’m not clumsy, I’m not forgetful, I’m nice..dang-it, and I don’t have those so-called “Mondays”. BUT we all have to fall from our perfect mold sometimes, right?
I’m going to be the first to admit…..yesterday being Monday…I took full advantage and made it my so-called “Monday”.

1. I got to work late…LATE!!!! What is wrong with me?
2. I turned on my computer knowing that I needed to do something important……….but I couldn’t remember what it was! WHAT??
3. Matt came out and asked me if I had heard from his client…let’s call her “Suzy” (they had a hearing in 15 minutes) She’s always prompt and blah blah..no sign of her! Well then court time arrived and Matt told me he was going to the court house and if I heard from Suzy, then I should send her over to District Court. Two minutes later, the phone rings…it’s Matt, he says “Hey Kristi…the front door was still locked..and I found Suzy…outside waiting for me.” WHAT?? I looked at the time…now mind you…our offices open at 8am. Well on Monday, November 17, 2008, we opened at 8:45! WHAT was happening to me?
4. Before I went to work, I told myself, “Don’t forget to bring home your small Nalgene.” I got home at lunch…CRAP! I didn’t remember! So I told myself “ok…at 5…don’t forget to bring home your small Nalgene” Did I remember? NO! CRAP!
5. Rebekah asked me if I would leave a few minutes early for lunch, so that I could be back in time for her to leave for lunch right at 1:30 as she had a Dr. appointment. So I leave early…I’m strolling along enjoying lunch…CRAP! I forgot I left early!
6. I’m known around the office for my memory. Bill asked me if I had seen the…. let’s call this one…the “Peanut Butter and Jelly” file. I responded “No…not in a long time!” 5 minutes later…I realized it was on my desk…and I had put it there!!! WHAT???

So needless to say….yesterday…I was 100% ding dong!


Janine said...

I am laughing so hard right now. Seriously. First off, I'm glad that you got your share of being the Ding Dong...maybe you'll go easier on me from now on. BUT...number 3 KILLED me. DEAD!!! LOL...