Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Warm Fuzzy

What is a warm fuzzy?

warm fuzzies -the warm, pleasant sensations one feels in the stomach and heart area when emotionally moved by an act of goodwill or love.

warm fuzzies - warming messages of friendliness or love to someone expressing a kind message to show gratitude toward one person or a whole group of people.

The opposite of warm fuzzy is a cold prickly.

Last night we had our first dress rehearsal for Ghost Tours, it’s definitely coming along!! Yay!! My dear sweet mother requested a cd with “ghostly voices” and being the great daughter that I am, I quickly logged onto the computer to see what I could find. Before my fingers could even make a move, my heart danced!!! My sweet Tyler left a couple of “warm fuzzies” on the computer desk. He drew a picture of the two of us playing football and another picture of what I’m guessing could be me, but I never knew I had such short hair. :) At the top of each picture were the words – “I love Kristi” awwww……*eyes watering* It’s so amazing to see little kids minds at work and to see what they take from life - the moments they remember and treasure. I know that the times I spend with him are very impressionable and I know I love every memory that I make with him. I’m sooo touched that he feels the same way. OH, and if you don’t know by now, I’m a softy……total softy! I still cry every time I watch Hope Floats. I know, don’t make fun! So yes, that cute little “warm fuzzy” caused my eyes to well up. I love that little guy…and I love that he loves me!!!

What a sweet reminder -- share those warm fuzzies!!!!