Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Pharmacy Boy.

Why do people create nicknames for people? Sometimes a nickname is just a shortened version of our real name. It makes sense, right? Sometimes a nickname is a term of endearment, "honey" "sweetie" "babycakes" ok, so maybe not so much on the last one. Some nicknames are created by an event or an inside joke. My friend Jared was telling us about the different ways to spell his name. He said "sometimes it's spelled with an "e", but most of the time it's spelled with an "o" at the end. Being the sarcastic gang that we are, someone quickly jumped into say "So what your name is pronounced "Jared-o" The laughing went on for hours and the nickname stuck! Some nicknames derive from the fact that you might not know the person very well, so you pick something that you can associate with that person and create a name. For example, I knew this guy, but didn't know his name, but I knew he drove a Honda Civic. So I called him "The Civic Guy". Guess what? The name stuck! Now, why do some people, mostly guys, use the same form of nickname creating, but it seems more like a cut down. Some guys in reference to another guy will choose something about another guy that they don't like or don't relate to and slap boy on the end or a "y". Examples of this; "Pharmacy boy", or "Baldy" and so on. I dont get it. I do like dishing out the nicknames. Beware!!