Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Summer of 69....er 2010

Can you believe June is already coming to an end? Seriously, where does the time go?

Well, it's been a while since I posted, sorry 'bout that guys! Instead of posting a 256 page novel about where I've been, what I've been doing, who I've seen, or any of that jazz over the last few months, you get the quick snap shot of "Kristi's happenings"

1. I went on a picnic
2. I laughed till I cried with friends
3. I planted a beautiful rock garden
4. I survived a crazy crazy hail storm
5. I taught another girl, the basics of accounting
6. I made myself an ohhh soooo delicious fruit smoothie
7. I started my P90X adventure
8. I "camped" in my backyard with Tyler
9. I rode my bike
10. I dyed my hair
11. I washed both my cars
12. I went hiking in Medecine Bow
13. I was nominated as one of Wyoming's Professional Women
14. I cried
15. I watched Season 2 of Golden Girls
16. I drove around with the top down on my G6
17. I signed up for a dance aerobics class
18. I rediscovered my love for plums
19. I grilled pineapple outside...mmmmmm!
20. and to beat all.........I got a phone call from a cute little 7 year old boy.....asking me if I could come to his house to play. Ahhhh.... :) Getting asked if I can "play" at my age...it was very sweet. Of course, I couldn't say no.

Now on to future happenings....

I'm going camping this weekend, if anyone wants to join up with me, PLEASE DO! I'll be in the cute black and gray and red tent up near Rob Roy Resevoir and Fox Park. :)

Stay tuned.....instead of just being adored by a 7 year old boy...I'm going to be an Aunt to a darling baby girl in about 5 weeks!!!!!!! I'm positive I'll be her favorite as well. hehe.

p.s. I'm gonna try to be better at this....I promise!