Friday, August 21, 2009

Recipe for silly craziness

What do you get when you mix up the following ingredients?

3 super cute boys
3 ice cream cones
1 outdoor pool
2 awesome aunts
AND 1 car ride

If you guessed, an instructional video for a relaxing yoga session - TRY AGAIN!

BUT if you guessed an evening of hilarious fun!!! - DING DING!! You win!

NOTE TO SELF: Didn't someone say to you...."Kristi, wherever you go... a party follows!" must be true! :)

We took Marcus, Nicolas, and Tyler to the rec center last night, followed by ice cream cones for the drive home AND if I do say so myself, the boys had a GREAT time!

Below is a sample of some of the funny things I heard from the backseat:

"Dude...look what I did!"

"Boys go to Jupiter and Girls get stupider"

"Boys rule, girls drool"

"Pinch, poke, you owe me a coke"

"Boys get camaros and girls get old dump trucks"

"I love this song 'ohhhhh ohhh'"

Jokingly one of them called me a "crazy old woman" and of course I made my "pouty" face and sweet Marcus made it all better by telling me I'm a "young lady"

OH boys...ya gotta love em!

Making mad faces

Making sad faces

Making cool faces

Making crazy faces


Janine said...

Funny funny funny! I wish they lived closer so that we could get those boys together more often!!

Rachael said...

Oh my gosh... SO CUTE!!!

I LOVE the Jupiter comment... too funny!