Monday, August 10, 2009

AND then...the summer happened...

So apparently, I'm not a good blogger in the summer. WELL DUH!! I'm having too much fun playing!

I went to CA...yet again! This time, the adventure was San Diego based.

I ate at some *delicious* restaurants

I even found a way to make it NORTH to Disneyland!!!! VIA AMTRAK!!!

Took in some Coronado Ferry Landing, strolled through Balboa Park and Body Worlds (ewww and cool at the same time), AND OF COURSE...played on the beach

I attended the first annual Polka Dots camping trip at Battle Mountain.
What a fun time!

And of course we had a little TOO MUCH fun drinking our Apple Beer (non alcoholic, FYI)

Now check back in a couple months for my next update, hahaha!


Sharon said...

You guys sure have been busy this summer! I wish I could do all those fun things. Now I'm pretty much house bound with Jayden. We can't even go hang at the pool. It's too dang HOT!

Rachael said...

Looks like so much fun busy girl!