Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Kristi needs....

OH my funny!!!

Try this, it’s hilarious!! Type in “(your name here) needs” into Google and then post your results on your own blog, send me an email, or come visit me and tell me the results. Either way…Do it!

Here are MY needs……apparently…

1. Kristi needs some help video (alrighty)
2. Kristi needs Jerlita Supporters ( umm…I need what???)
3. Kristi needs a boyfriend (oh gee thanks!)
4. Kristi needs our help
5. Kristi needs help (what? Am I really that bad off?)
6. Kristi needs to find her house (exactly..the house I’m gonna buy)
7. Kristi needs prayer (sheesh.....)
8. Kristi needs to travel again (AMEN!)
9. Kristi needs the money (well who doesn’t?)
10. Kristi needs numbers (ok..not sure what I’ll do with them)
11. Kristi needs bread (well duh)
12. Kristi needs to turn up the AC because her hotness is about to burn the place down ( it!)
13. Kristi needs this type of concrete feedback to grasp her own progress
14. Kristi needs to take a back seat this time (thats what you think)
15. Kristi needs patience

Ok…get ready for this last’s a doozy!!!!

16. Kristi needs to be spanked for not finishing her homework (hahahaha..I’m still laughing!!!!)