Monday, March 30, 2009

Got Frazzled?

What’s today? Ohhh I’ll tell you what today is…it’s just ANOTHER manic Monday. Haha..are you singing any Bangles yet?

Seriously…I don’t understand why my Mondays have to suck so much lately. I don’t know if it’s 1. because I love my weekends so much or 2. because it’s just crazier lately or 3. because everyone is out to get me..hahaha. No, but seriously, I’ve been running around the office, trying to come up with a way to cut myself in half so that I can be in my office working and still running around getting all the other crap done. I keep hoping something will slow down, but so luck! I’m not kidding, by the end of the day, my hair should look something like this………

Is it Tuesday yet?


Janine said...

LOL! I don't know why you don't fix your hair that way every day!

Sharon said...

I feel like my hair looks like that all the time!

I feel the same way about Mondays.